Leevonia Tawhai

Leevonia joined the HEART Movement as a Change Agent in 2014 under the leadership of Nandita. For a short while, she was in charge of social media and helped with the writing and editing of the newsletters. BBQs in parks were big at that time, she went into community homes and other spaces to spread the message of HEART through safe conversations. She's a lot busier these days however Leevonia enjoys her role as a Change Agent. 

Leevonia loves that HEART is a community-led initiative. "It is literally for the people by the people." She believes in the kaupapa, the prevention of violence in families, and building healthy relationships in Tāmāki. She loves that it’s mostly through the Change Agents or people in our community that safe spaces and events are provided for non-judgemental conversations, leadership, education around many different topics, fun family events where there is access to information about HEART and its member and partner organisations and so much more.

Leevonia mentions that “we are so fortunate to live here in Tāmāki, a beautiful place. The people are amazing and I believe that the HEART Movement makes connections between our people easier." She has witnessed people become more involved in the neighbourhood, learn and up-skill through the free training that is provided and flourish in new roles and careers. 

She loves to travel and so far has been to 24 countries. Leevonia has a goal to visit 50 different nations before she gets too old. Her favourite place in the world so far is Hong Kong. 

Words of advice from Leevonia: There is a quote I love from a special man, Dieter F. Uchtdorf “What we love determines what we seek. What we seek determines what we think and do. What we think and do determines who we are — and who we will become”.

Leevonia believes that "in the individual pursuits of our dreams it is important to stop, reflect, and check ourselves along the way. Hold strong to your values and beliefs and always be grateful for both the trials and tribulations that come. Sometimes the world can be seductive and throw us off course. It is ok to reset and carry on when that happens."

HEART Movement