HEART Resources
We have many resources available, many of them FREE to our community. These resources may be helpful in particular to our Change Agents who have an idea working through the HEART Process.
Please see powerpoints from our trainings, downloadable posters, links to other resources all below.
Let us know if you have any questions - kiaora@heartmovement.org.nz
Funding will need to be obtained separately for each kaupapa, but we see this being achievable because of the good reputation which HEART and connected organisations have currently. A directory of funders,
Volunteers (Change Agents)
There are currently more than 50 Change Agents who believe in the importance of healthy relationships. Many Change Agents are willing to support kaupapa which align to them and put their hand up to volunteer. A great example of their willingness to help was evident in the first Covid lockdown when we were able to mobilise our Change Agents to distribute 15,000 disposable face masks safely, and efficiently over a weekend.
Read more about what we achieved in our blog post. If your idea is given tautoko by the Holders of the HEART Process, it will be presented to the Change Agents within the month and anyone who is keen to jump on board will be given your contact details.
The HEART Community
As well as our Change Agents, we have an extensive network of local Partner and Member Organisations, their resources and their staff. The wonderful people who work in our community have valuable experience and knowledge of what is happening on the ground, what the current needs of our people are and the connections to make things happen.
Promotion Avenues
Promotion is important when putting a community event or kaupapa together. As well as our newsletters, the HEART Movement has social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, not to mention the very effective and valuable kūmara vine (word of mouth)…
Many of our Partner and Member Organisations have venues or access to venues which could be made available for Change Agents and their ideas if they align to their kaupapa.
See below for more resources which might be helpful or useful to you, we will continue to add as they are collected and when relevant for ideas.
Workshop Training Resources
HEART T-Shirts
Change Agents and volunteers wear HEART on their heart with our 100% cotton T-shirts.
If you would like to represent our kaupapa, please send us a message - kiaora@heartmovement.org.nz
The HEART BBQ can be used for community purposes, and for cooking free sausages. We do not allow use of the HEART BBQ for generating income and/or selling food.
It is important for us that people who use our BBQ are aware of the HEART Movement kaupapa. The BBQ can be used for community events by our Change Agents and by our Partner and Member organisations. Please make contact with us on kiaora@heartmovement.org.nz or send through a request on our contact page.
HEART Posters
Make HEART visible in your home, workplace, organisation, or business with these posters.
Links to resources from other organisations
The HEART Movement holds some resources from organisations which we are happy to organise distribution in the Tāmaki community. If you are out of the Tāmaki area we encourage you to order resources online, most are free.
Tākai (formerly SKIP Strategies with Kids | Information for Parents)
Academic and Practice Resources
The HEART Movement uses research and learning from other initiatives to influence our strategy and ways of working. Here are some key resources and articles that have informed the development and practice of community mobilisation and measurement of HEART.
Measuring Community Mobilisation - Cristy Trewartha
Approaching Old Problems New Ways - Lori Michau
Community Readiness: A handbook for successful change - Barbra A. Plested, Ruth W. Edwards, Pamela Jumper-Thurman
The Community Builder’s Approach to Theory of Change - Andrea A. Anderson Ph.D
The Little Book of Self Care - Fiona White