HEART Project Fund
Funding has been obtained by Rākau Tautoko from the Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Board to support the HEART Movement, which we are calling the HEART Project Fund. This funding will allow us to allocate up to $1000 to Change Agent ideas, per bi-monthly hui five times (at this stage). Kaitiaki of the fund will make decisions on allocations, and the hui and ideas will be supported by the Secretary.
HEART Project Fund Kaitiaki
The Kaitiaki are currently,
Margaret Ngapera
Carla Perese
Roxanne Adams
Sirikit Diaz
Jo Flavell
Tara Moala
Hinemoa Carpenter
Ren Joe (Secretary)
HEART Project Fund - Funding Guidelines
The Funding Guidelines below outline how we will go forward with the Project Fund and were adapted from the guidelines used with the HEART Collective.
Small grants of up to $1000 dollars are available to Change Agents or local organisations that are partners or members and are actively involved in the HEART Movement.
Those groups or individuals will present their ideas at the HEART Project Fund bi-monthly hui, where appointed Kaitiaki will decide on the amount of funds allocated.
Successful projects will have a focus on building healthy relationships and/or preventing family violence, and align to one or more of the specific outcomes below.
Application Process
Applications can be made to the HEART Project Fund in the way that best suits the applicant. This could be written, verbally, or you can create a small video or presentation.
The application should simply cover the questions: What? Who? Where? When? How?
What is the activity/event/project?
Who is the group/organisation/individual that is applying for funding?
Who is the target audience/group for the project/event/activity?
Where will this take place?
When will this take place?
How do you see it achieving one or more of the HEART outcomes (as below)?
What amount are you applying for and what will the money be used for? Budgets must be submitted in writing for applications over $500.
What HEART outcome(s) will the project meet?
Increased personal relevance
People face the impact of family violence on themselves, their families and the community, and the benefits of developing healthy relationships for families and the wider community.
Healthy relationships knowledge
Community members start to understand what healthy relationships sound, look and feel like and are building skills to help develop and maintain them within their families and community.
Community knowledge of support
Community members know about local support and services and their effectiveness. Effective support and services are accessible to everyone in the community.
Fostering community cohesion and conversation
People start to reach out and talk to others about safe family environments, healthy relationships and how to build that within their own families and communities. They ask for support and provide support to others.
Healthy relationships visible
A diverse range of local couples and families with healthy relationships are visible and share their stories in the community.
Funding Criteria
Preference for funding will be given to Change Agents, non-registered organisations or informal community or neighbourhood groups.
The group or its members will have an existing relationship with the HEART Movement.
Applicants are committed to learning, and understand and align with our way of working.
Successful applicants agree to send photos and a summary of their project after its completion, which will be used publicly in social media and reporting.
Funding will not be used for alcohol.
Decision Process
There is up to $1000 available to be allocated per hui - this could be split over multiple projects, and/or carried over to the next hui if not allocated previously.
At least five Kaitiaki must attend hui, one of the Kaitiaki will act as Chairperson.
Change Agents are able to apply to the fund. Kaitiaki are also Change Agents, so can also apply, but cannot apply at hui when they are the Chairperson.
Hui will take place bi-monthly, from 5.30pm-7.30pm at various venues around Tāmaki (decided by Chairperson).
Decisions on funding allocations are made at that same hui, or soon after and applicants will be notified immediately.
If your idea is accepted and funding allocated to support it, the Kaitiaki will also offer the support of another Change Agent who has skills and expertise to enhance your project.
Meeting dates are as follows,
Date - Venue (Chairperson)
11th November 2024 - Faith Family Church (Carla Perese)
January 2025 - TCDT (Roxanne Adams)
March 2025 - Reserve Tāmaki (Jo Flavell)
May 2025 - St Mary’s Church (Hinemoa Carpenter)
Depending on funding, we may continue after May 2025.
Please email kiaora@heartmovement.org.nz and let us know if you have any questions, or to let us know you have a project idea!
“When we think that we have to do everything on our own,
it’s sort of an unhealthy relationship with ourselves.”