Trick or Treat
Members of the collective involved
Debbie Pourau, Vavia Tutou, Michaela Pixie Sim, and Caitlin Walker.
Halloween at Aveline Park
This event was about celebrating Halloween, bringing the neighbourhood together, meeting the children that visit Aveline Park frequently, checking in with neighbours – “what has their experience been during Covid19 and ongoing?”, and bringing excitement to the children after a year of madness.
The event took place at Aveline Park, Glen Innes, Sunday 1st November. The original plan was Saturday 31st October 2020 however due to the wet weather we had to postpone the event.
Community Family
The day was turned out fantastic, the sun was shining and the day flowed so well. The children who attended liked the games played and the lolly scramble. We got to meet the set of twin boys born in the first lockdown of covid along with another baby boy who was born in the first wave as well. There were talks of doing more park HEART bbq’s and coming together to help weed the driveway gardens at both entry/exits on Te Kare Rd. Some dads out walking their children offered to help with cooking the bbq. All in all the event went well.
Messages from attendees
· “Kia ora Delina McGregor & whānau for the awesome Halloween event you put on yesterday. Despite being rained out on Saturday, you made lots of tamariki and Fenchurch whānau very happy! Ngā mihi koutou! 🎃”
– Post from Fenchurch Park Community FB page
· “This is so cool for the kids, Thank You for putting this on” – FB comment to the post.
· “Thanks for the lollies and food!”
On behalf of the Halloween collective group,
we would like to give Ren and Bill a big “Thank You for providing the HEART bbq for our event. Your contribution gave us the opportunity to cook the sausage sizzle all at once. It gave us a chance to engage with the neighbours.”
Thank You HEART Movement.