The LockDown Stories


State of National Emergency

On the 25 March 2020, a State of National Emergency was declared. Aotearoa went into lockdown for 4 weeks. The entire nation went into self-isolation. The world experienced one of the biggest disrupts globally.

The LockDown Stories was born

Lockdown Stories is a Facebook group set up by HEART Change Agent and community worker Delina McGregor. At week 3 of level 4 in lockdown Delina saw an opportunity and the need to set up an online space to share her experiences of lockdown and to encourage others to share theirs. The group has grown in a short space of time, currently with 183 members, and is not limited to Tāmaki, or NZ, as there are members who have joined from across the ditch in Australia!

The conversation ranges from day to day and is often prompted by Delina who asks questions, shares interesting and light-hearted posts, or shares a recent experience of her own. Recipe sharing goes down well with the group, as people get resourceful and creative in the kitchen.

Connecting Lockdown Stories with the HEART Movement made sense to Delina as both are about connection and support. Through the Lockdown Stories, she is able to steer people in the direction of HEART for further support and resources. Delina describes herself as an open book and it is this honesty that is appealing and popular to those in the group. People have shared a slice of their lives in lockdown that captures a unique moment in history as well as an opportunity to connect with others.

Delina has a vision for the Lockdown Stories that is not limited to the online world we are currently living in. At the moment it is nice to know community is only a click away.

Ka rawe Delina! ❤️

Community Exhibition - The Year of the Zoom

A year later, on the anniversary of the announced Lockdown, The LockDown Stories Exhibition was created. It was on display for 2 weeks at Te Oro. Recipes, birthdays, public holidays and so much more from The LockDown Stories FB page were on display for the community to see. On the night of the exhibition launch, we had our very own local catering business Kauri & Co who provided a delicious platter, a special performance by one of the students from Tāmaki college, and a video by Delina sharing the journey of The LockDown Stories. The Exhibition gave us the time to reflect on the year that’s been, aka the year of the zoom.

Special thanks to Delina and her family, Sjimmy from Tāmaki Regeneration Company, all the Change Agents who helped out, Pak N Save, McDonald’s Glen Innes and Te Oro, for their support, Tamati from Tāmaki College, and the members of the community who came to out support The LockDown Stories. This wouldn’t be possible without you all! We appreciate your love and support!