HEART Building Pockets of Hope

White Ribbon Dinner

On the 25th of November 2016, we had a special White Ribbon Dinner at the Ruapotaka Marae. White Ribbon is a symbol of men taking a pledge to stop violence against women. Over 120 people came to the Marae to share time with each other, talk, and show their support towards the White Ribbon Campaign. 

Pockets of Hope

Creating spaces that get people together to connect, work together, learn and share food is integral to the work that the HEART Movement does. These community spaces initiate a journey towards creating healthy relationships in our community and taking that experience to actively grow loving, safe, and supportive relationships in our homes.  Recently a popular community leader Brian called our spaces “Pockets of Hope”.  Strengthening the connection between people, and places that they share creates shared value, increases sociability, cooperation, pride, and influence to grow better families and neighbourhood. 

Community Connection

One such place is the Friday evening community hangout at the Ruapotaka Marae where HEART Community Change Agents, their families, and larger communities come together to cook, share food and connect. There are community leaders and their families, local community workers, as well as people who are living on the streets or in a caravan that come to enjoy the space and meal. 

The Marae provides this space for our volunteers to come together and have the privilege and liberty to use the Marae kitchen space and all other equipment and facilities.