FatherHood Video Series

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In late 2019, local Tāmaki resident, HEART Change Agent, and new dad Tyrone Tangata-Makiri had an idea to explore fatherhood with other local dads. “I’ve been fortunate enough to recently become a father, so I started this project to learn more about fatherhood and talk about my experience.”

Tyrone wanted to delve deep into what becoming a father had meant for other dads and to encourage men to have conversations about the important experiences that have shaped their lives. With support from the "It’s Not OKʻ campaign and the HEART Movement, Tyrone, a digital storyteller with NoSix, interviewed and created videos to share their experiences.

The dads involved in the project wanted to be a part of it because they feel the same way about the amazing impact of becoming dads. They wanted to talk about the good bits of being dads, how to be loving to their kids, and how they are now more connected to themselves, their partners, and their whānau. Max from Glen Innes was one of the dads that shared their experience - he said,

“I felt really honoured to be included in the project and was heartened to see that across our different lived experiences and journey to fatherhood we all wanted the same thing, to be the best role models and fathers we could and to ensure our children had loving and happy upbringings.”

Through HEART social media we have reached thousands of people all over Auckland and beyond and seen some great feedback and comments on all the videos. We would like to say ngā mihi to all the dads who contributed to this amazing project - Tyrone, Terry, Afa, Dee, Max, and Wills.

Tane Ora, Whānau Ora - Kia Ora #Fatherhood! 

You can see all of the videos on the HEART Facebook page or by visiting The HEART Movement YouTube page.