Our Plan for 2023
On Saturday 1st October 2022, at Ruapōtaka Marae we held the community “HEART Wānanga: Looking Forward!” Thank you to all who came along - despite the rain! - and made it a huge success. While the weather kept some people away, we still had approximately 70 people join us over the day.
Some of our fabulous rangatahi - raised in the kaupapa, and the leaders of the future of HEART - lead us through the day in our mihi whakatau, which was so poignant.
See a short video (1.5 minutes) of photos from the wānanga on this link.
The event was very fruitful, with some deep questioning from attendees, there was acknowledgement of mamae, lots of beautiful kōrero and of course - amazing kai!
People enjoyed spending time in different areas of the marae, the toolbox table was always busy where many ideas were recorded. The talanoa space was always busy with big and small conversations. The wellbeing of Change Agents was a big theme, as was HEART finding solutions for the current realities for our whānau.
We spent some time organising our findings from the wānanga and presented them to the HEART community - in the form of a plan for 2023.
The plan is centred around the new HEART process - an innovative way to mobilise our community - in building healthy relationships, and family violence prevention. This was loosely planned before the wānanga by the taumata, and very positively received by attendees.
Read more in the full document below (or downloadable here - the HEART Movement 2023).
During 2023, the HEART Movement will be made up of,
The Holders of the HEART Process (active members of Te Taumata o HEART)
It is the hope of the Taumata that the impact of the HEART Movement over 2023 will grow to be bigger and better than ever before. “The Process” is designed to be as community driven as possible and we will continue to be open to feedback from those Change Agents who honour us with their ideas. Our practice will be reflective and we will share our findings at the end of the year.
We look forward to connecting and working alongside you, the community of HEART, to continue the journey of building healthy relationships and preventing family violence in Tāmaki.
Scroll through our 2023 Plan below, or click through to see the PDF version.
Let us know any questions - kiaora@heartmovement.org.nz